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Children's Peace Pavilion

Richmond, MO

4 (4 reviews)

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Address: 607 W. Lexington Street, MO 64050 How do we get there? Number: 816-912-1275
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About this activity

The Peace Pavilion is a unique interactive museum designed to teach concepts of peace through creative & fun educational activities. Every element of the museum is focused on providing experiential peace education lessons for all ages, with a strong focus on children and youth. Tuesday and Wednesday are open for pre-scheduled tour groups, and Thursday through Saturday are open for families.  Whether it's schools, families, daycares, children with disabilities or families enjoying this unique learning opportunity, the Peace Pavilion welcomes all.

Four exhibit areas provide multiple opportunities for creative play and learning: Peace for Me, Peace for Us, Peace for Everyone, and Peace for the Planet.

The Peace for Me exhibit helps children identify and name feelings in themselves and others through a puppet theatre and other activities, allows them to display self-expression while observing their shadow change colors, gives them the chance to manage a challenge as they navigate a laser maze, allows them to express their peace powers, and other activities designed to build awareness of how to manage their own feelings and self-care.

In the Peace for Us exhibit, children learn communication, cooperation, empathy, and conflict resolution steps as they choose paths to peace using 3-D magnetic objects, assemble blocks to create a bridge to peace, play a keyboard on the floor with others to create harmony, and more activities.

The Peace for Everyone exhibit promotes the understanding of diversity among groups, cultures and societies through visiting exhibits from other places of the world with a focus on the basic needs and rights of all. Exhibits include a native American pueblo, South American houseboat, Thailand restaurant, Australian hut, and others, based on the importance of clean water, healthy food, shelter, and other necessities.

Peace for the Planet gives children the opportunity to learn the importance of taking care of the earth through recycling activities, learning how trees help the planet, discovering how the earth is impacted by pollution, seasonal changes, weather hazards, and climate change through videos provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and other hands-on activities.  

There is also a reading room devoted to books about peace with comfy chairs for those who want a quieter experience, and a toddler room with peace activities for little ones. 

For larger events or parties, you can also reserve the community room or picnic area by contacting the Peace Pavilion.

It is a great learning experience for the whole family!

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How much does it cost?



Open Admission: $7 for 3 years old and above; pre-scheduled group fees $4 per person



Open Admission: $7 for 3 years old and above; pre-scheduled group fees $4 per person


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Children's Peace Pavilion FAQ’s

Grab something to eat in the area before or after your visit!

When schools or public institutions close because of severe weather, the Pavilion will be closed.

It's a great place for schools, daycare, homeschoolers and all children to visit and learn how to be the best person they can be! Pre-arranged tours for 10 to 40 people can be scheduled on Mondays, Tuesdays, plus Thursdays to Saturdays

They welcome children with disabilities

Donations are tax deductible.

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