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DuSable Museum of African American History

Chicago, IL

4 (5 reviews)

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Address: 740 E 56th Pl, Chicago, IL 60637, USA How do we get there? Number: 773.947.0600
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About this activity

Did you know that the DuSable Museum of African American History is the FIRST museum of its type in the entire nation, AND is the only major independent institution in Chicago established to preserve and interpret the historical experiences and achievements of African Americans!

Now THAT is pretty impressive!

The museum features both permanent and changing exhibits that showcase a number of areas within African American history, so you really gain a well rounded educational experience on the topic.

You can explore an exhibit on Harold Washington, and immerse yourselves in the "Freedom & Resistance" exhibit that is dedicated to the thousands of unsung lives given in the name of freedom and equality.

There is also an exhibit on the citizen soldiers that have served their nation, their states and communities throughout American history.

Let's not forget about the changing exhibits within the DuSable Museum of African American History, that ensures you can go back and see something completely new if you check the schedule and time your visit.

One visit you might be exploring inspiring artwork from African American artists, then the next visit you might be learning about a notable African American figure that changed the course of history.

A visit to this iconic Chicago museum is an invaluable educational experience for kids, no matter their background.

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How much does it cost?






$3 (Ages 6 to 11)



Students with ID, and Seniors with ID - $7. Discounts for Chicago residents.


Free Under

5 years


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DuSable Museum of African American History FAQ’s

They permit baby strollers throughout our facilities. However, strollers are not available for loan to visitors

Grab something in the area before or after your visit, there are plenty of options. It's Chicago!

The DuSable Museum of African American History offers a FREE DAY on Tuesdays!

They welcome field trips from Pre-K to 12, and one chaperone is needed for every 10 students

They permit baby strollers throughout our facilities. However, strollers are not available for loan to visitors

The DuSable Museum is ADA compliant. A limited number of wheelchairs are available.

Backpacks and oversized bags aren't permitted in the museum

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