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Effigy Mounds National Monument

Harpers Ferry, IA

National Parks
4 (2 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 151 IA-76, Harpers Ferry, IA 52146, USA How do we get there? Number: (563) 873-3491
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About this activity

There are numerous opportunities for you to enjoy a self-guided tour or join a ranger for a hike, walk, talk or historic demonstration. Most trails are moderately strenuous, however, there are some trails accessible to mobility impaired visitors.

Activity location


Effigy Mounds is 65 miles south of La Crosse. Follow state highway 35 south to Prairie du Chien. Turn and cross the Mississippi River on U.S. Highway 18 to Marquette, Iowa. Travel 3-miles north of Marquette, Iowa on state highway 76 (The Great River Road).

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