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Eureka Springs and North Arkansas Railway

Eureka Springs, AR

4 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 299 N Main St, Eureka Springs, AR 72632, USA How do we get there? Number: 479-253-9623
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About this activity

It's fun. It's exciting. It's educational, too!
Step back in time to an earlier age of locomotive transportation and enjoy the Excursion Train or the Dining Car.
See our 1940-era diesel locomotive in operation or view our stationary steam locomotive exhibits.
Watch our authentic turntable operate to turn the engines around and discover how a locomotive can also be turned on our end-of-the-line "wye."
Or dine in luxury as you ride the rails...
Enjoy the elegant flavor of the 1920's aboard the Eurekan Dining Car. You dine on specially prepared cuisine as the clickety-clack takes you back.

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