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Fast Forward Skate Center

Madison, WI

4 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 4649 Verona Rd, Madison, WI 53711, USA How do we get there? Number: 608 271 6222
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About this activity

Roller skating sessions for the public are one of the main attractions at Fast Forward Skate Center. Skating provides great exercise and an opportunity to get out of the house - plus, it's not like exercising at the gym... skating is fun! Lace-em up and come join the others. Get on the floor and get ready for a great experience.

Open sessions, inline hockey and roller derby all available. Plus games room.

Are you an adult looking to learn to skate? Do you have children yearning to skate like the pros? If so, the folks here love to teach and their instructors are top notch. For beginners they usually focus on providing the basics. For more advanced skaters they focus on proper form, technique and getting you ready to meet your goals.

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How much does it cost?



From $6



From $6


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Fast Forward Skate Center FAQ’s

Cafe on site offering hot and cold drinks and snacks.

They have HEAPS of special offers going on, so be sure to check ahead and see what deals you can catch!

Pro shop available.

Birthday parties available here!

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