Kauffman Museum

North Newton, KS

5 (1 reviews)

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Address: N Main St & 27th St, North Newton, KS 67117, USA How do we get there? Number: 316 283 1612
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About this activity

The Kaufman museum has: * a tallgrass prairie reconstruction with over 15 species of grasses and more than 100 wildflower species * the award-winning permanent exhibit Of Land and People which tells the story of the coming of the Mennonites from Europe to the central plains in the 1870s and their encounters with the prairie environment and its people * an historic farmstead with heritage flower and vegetable gardens around the 1875 Voth-Unruh-Fast House and the 1886 Ratzlaff Barn * a new permanent exhibition featuring Kauffman Museum's collections of Mennonite immigrant furniture which was designated an official "Save America's Treasures" project * changing special exhibitions which have garnered numerous awards for excellence * educational programming for the whole family; guided tours available with themes complementing school curricula; teaching kits available for loan * innovative traveling exhibits, which have been installed in museums across the United States and Canada, available for booking

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