Lewis and Clark Caverns

Whitehall, MT

4 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park, Lewis & Clark Caverns Road, Whitehall, MT 59759, USA How do we get there? Number: 406-287-3541
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About this activity

When you descend deep underground and spot those magnificent stalactites and stalagmites for the very first time, there is no mistake it's a pretty impressive experience!

Lewis & Clark Caverns are part of the Lewis & Clark Caverns State Park, and feature one of the LARGEST known caverns in the entire Northwest - pretty impressive!

As long as they are okay to the idea of being underground, kids will love seeing the amazing formations right in front of their very eyes!

The Lewis & Clark Caverns are naturally air-conditioned, so you don't have to worry about feeling hot and musty down there, and they are also lit for safety so you won't have to be trying to find your way around the dark.

Kids will love seeing the mighty stalactites and stalagmites, and well as the columns and even helictites. The formations are beautiful and it's a great way for them to learn about how these impressive caverns were forms over millions of years!

To experience the caves you need to be booked on a guided tour. It's best to allow two hours for the tour. The famous Beaver Slide is always a highlight of the tour for kids, and they can even keep and eye out to spot some bats!

Tours operate seasonally, but during December they offer candlelight tours especially for the festive spirit!

Because the Lewis & Clark Caverns are part of the state park, so you can really make a day of it because the park itself offers hiking or biking, camping, fishing, picnic spots, canoeing and wildlife waiting to be spotted and photographed!

A fantastic day out in one of the most picturesque areas of the state! 

Activity location


The caverns are located in the Lewis & Clark State Park at 25 Lewis and Clark Caverns Road - just off Hwy 2.

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How much does it cost?



$10 (over 12 years)



$5 (age 6 - 11)


Free Under



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Lewis and Clark Caverns FAQ’s

Bring your own lunch and enjoy it at the picnic tables within the state park!

Whilst the caves are open seasonally from May 1 to Sept 30, they do open for the Holiday Tours in December so make sure you don't miss out on an incredibly candlelight experience!

There is a gift shop to grab some lovely reminders of your experience!

The park is open all year round.

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