Marion Historical Museum

Warrensburg, NY

3 (1 reviews)

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Address: Main St & Marion Ave, Warrensburg, NY 12885, USA How do we get there? Number: 620-382-3432
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About this activity

The Marion County Museum was dedicated and opened to the public during the Old Settlers Celebration in August, 1961. Leslie A. Powell, society president and Al Riffel, Vice President were in Charge of the ceremony. The Centennial Time Capsule was sealed and dedicated. In this reinforced concrete child's burial vault they put a copy of the speaker's (Omer Shields of Lost Springs) talk, pictures of the ceremony, the Guild Centennial cook book, photographs of buildings and other landmarks plus many other items.The Historical museum is in the old Baptist church building built in 1882, and located at the northeast corner of Central Park on 623 East Main Street. Inside the framed structure are displays of 19th century dresses, quilts and other needlework, dolls, toys and wooden washing machines. The (first) Marion Telephone switchboard, the old wooden Canada post office cabinet with letter cubicles, farm tools, early church record books, and a large display of photographs of families and Marion buildings. Although it was a County Museum the major portion of items are from and about Marion.

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