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Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post

Onamia, MN

5 (3 reviews)

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Address: 43411 Oodena Dr, Onamia, MN 56359, USA How do we get there? Number: 320-532-3632
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About this activity

The Mille Lacs Indian Museum & Trading Post offers a detailed look into the history and culture of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, an Indigenous woodland people. We have lots of activities for children, such as teaching kids how to do loom beadwork, puzzles, play an Ojibwe game, watch a video, do a scavenger hunt or an exhibit hall quiz, interact with monitors in the exhibit hall, such as, our Ojibwe language monitor and last but not least the Four Seasons room, which is a life sized diorama showing traditional way of life for the Ojibwe in the late 1700's to early 1800's. For additional cost, we offer crafts for kids such as bead a ring, make a dream catcher, a God’s Eye, a cornhusk doll or decorate an Ojibwe shoulder bag. We also have some information kiosks outside on the museum grounds.

Activity location


If you are travelling North on State Highway 169, we are 12 miles North of Onamia on the right hand side. If you are travelling South on State Highway 169, we are 9 miles south of Garrison on the left hand side.

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How much does it cost?









Seniors, Enlisted Military (with ID) College Students (with ID) $7, Pre-Arranged Group Tours $6


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Mille Lacs Indian Museum and Trading Post FAQ’s

Baby changing stations.

Snacks are available at the Trading Post; jerky, meat sticks, chocolate, candy and dehydrated fruits and vegetables.

Don’t forget to bring your camera.

We have picnic tables on site so enjoy lunch while overlooking beautiful Lake Mille Lacs.

Handmade Native American crafts such as porcupine quill baskets, birch bark baskets, beaded jewellery, drums, dream catchers and pottery. We also sell clothing, music, food, books, pipes and raw craft materials.

Learn Ojibwe words or how to do Ojibwe crafts.

Baby changing stations.

We have a wheelchair on site. The Mille Lacs Indian Museum and the Trading Post are all handicap accessible.

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