Mountain Village 1890

Bull Shoals, AR

3 (1 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 1011 C S Woods Blvd, Bull Shoals, AR 72619, USA How do we get there? Number: 870 445-7177
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About this activity

NOTE: It's worth noting that this attraction is currently undergoing renovations, and will re-open once they are completed.

What better way to learn history than the LIVE it! At Mountain Village 1890, the whole family can experience this historic recreation of an Ozark settlement. It was built as a tribute to those first brave pioneers who settled in this pretty remote part of the USA! The men and women were strong, and brave, and followed trails that led into the Arkansas mountains, all the way from Virginia, the Carolinas, Georgia and Tennessee - can you imagine walking all of that way to find a home!

Mountain Village 1890 has 9 main historic structures, as well as numerous outbuildings, as well as smaller things to see. All of these items have been brought from a number of sites in the Ozark mountain region. (Some of the buildings were brought completely intact from over 100 miles away!)

All of the buildings, and their contents, are authentic and were actually being used in 1890 - so it's pretty special! As you walk round, imagine the stories of the people who would have used all of these items. What do you think they were like?

You can visit the bank, the doctors office, the jail (and you will be allowed to leave there too!), and even the creepy Coffin Shop. There is even a Church.

As you walk around, take a look at some of the finer details. Can you notice the splits in the Church yard fence? These were actually split by Indians in 1828!

Mountain Village 1890 is an amazing place for the family to visit and really delve into the fascinating history of the area! 

Activity location


Located in the heart of the Ozark Mountains, the village is about 152 miles from Little Rock. Head to Bull Shoals, and they can be found at 1011 C.S Woods Blvd.

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How much does it cost?






$3 (Ages 6 - 11)



Group rates available


Free Under

5 years of age.


Last Updates


Mountain Village 1890 FAQ’s

The village have really looked after creating an authentic experience for visitors. They have ensured the place is a real tribute to the pioneers, and really capture what like was like in 1890.

Bring some snacks in your bag to ensure you can stay energized during your trip!

The village is in a great area, with lots of activities to do nearby too, so with the lodgings and fishings, and other caves in the area, why not consider making your trip longer than just a day out?

If you are hoping to pick up some handmade Ozark crafts, pottery, Native American keepsakes or other fun gifts, then the gift shop is where you need to be!

There are group rates available if you call and discuss what you're looking at doing with them ahead of time.

If you have mobility difficulties, just give them a call to discuss what needs you might have, and they can let you know what is possible.

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