Natchez Trace Parkway

Saltillo, MS

National Parks
5 (2 reviews)

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Address: 2680 Natchez Trace Pkwy, Saltillo, MS 38866, USA How do we get there? Number: (800) 305-7417
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About this activity

The 444-mile Natchez Trace Parkway commemorates an ancient trail that connected southern portions of the Mississippi River, through Alabama, to salt licks in today's central Tennessee. Today, visitors can experience this National Scenic Byway and All-American Road through driving, hiking, biking, horseback riding, and camping.

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Directions to the Natchez Trace Parkway vary greatly depending on what part of the tri-state Parkway you are trying to reach. There are more than 50 roads that access the Parkway in Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. For specific questions concerning how to get to a certain portion of the Parkway, please call the Visitor Center at 1-800-305-7417.

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