Natural Bridges State Park

North Adams, MA

National Parks
4 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: Natural Bridge State Park, 1 McCauley Road, North Adams, MA 01247, USA How do we get there? Number: (435) 692-1234
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About this activity

Natural Bridges preserves some of the finest examples of natural stone architecture in the southwest. On a tree-covered mesa next to deep sandstone canyons, three natural bridges formed when meandering streams slowly cut through the canyon walls. In honor of the Native Americans that made this area their home, the bridges are named "Kachina," "Owachomo" and "Sipapu."

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The entrance to Natural Bridges is at the end of Highway 275, which is roughly 35 miles west of Blanding, UT on Highway 95. Driving time from Blanding is roughly 45 minutes.

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