Old Cowtown Museum

Wichita, KS

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Address: 1865 Museum Blvd, Wichita, KS 67203, USA How do we get there? Number: 316 350 3323
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About this activity

As soon as you enter Old Cowtown Museum, you will be transported back to the 1870s and realize you are now in a world just off the Chisholm Trail that time no longer forgets!

Old Cowtown Museum is a great place for kids to connect to history first hand, and so much better than reading about it in the history books!

There are 10,000 pieces in the museum's permanent collection, from art, to tools, textiles, furnishings, and furniture, all of which will really tell the story of what life was really like during this time in Kansas history.

All these can be found in the historic structures that will really let kids imagination run wild when they try and picture the sounds and bustle that would have occurred right within those walls!

Old Cowtown Museum has 54 historic and recreated buildings all along the banks of the beautiful Arkansas River. Of these, 27 of the buildings are actually original, including the Blood Family Homestead, Presbyterian Church, general store, and even the jail!

Kids - what do you think would be the crimes of those who spent life behind those bars? 

Make sure you stop by the one room schoolhouse too - it's a fun way to show kids how learning used to be, and we're sure it's pretty different from their school life today!

There are unique programs, which tell the story of Wichita's transformation from what was once a frontier settlement, to then a cattle town. The daily activities and special events really give kids a unique experience, and one that can only be truly explained when you visit!

So let's go...history is waiting!

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How much does it cost?






$5.50 (ages 4-11) / $6 (ages 12-17)



Seniors $6.50


Free Under

4 years


Last Updates


Old Cowtown Museum FAQ’s

There is a snack bar that serves candy, hot dogs, ships and soda! There is also old-time candy in the gift shop

Make sure you wear comfortable walking shoes, as it's 23 acres in the outdoors! Allow at least 2 hours to see everything!

Bring that pocket money, because there are unique souvenirs and gifts waiting for you in the gift shop! There are even cowboy hats, toy guns and sheriff's badges!

They offer self-guided and guided tours for school! Tours are around 2 hours, and they can even experience a one room school from the 1870s!

Just give them a call to check about the accessibility of the museums!

Why not have a birthday party at the museum! Perfect for kids ages 5-12 years, there are activities for all AND party space! Check out the packages!

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