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Pictograph Cave State Park

Billings, MT

1 (2 reviews)

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Address: 3401 Coburn Rd, Billings, MT 59101, USA How do we get there? Number: 406 247 2940
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About this activity

If you ever wanted to experience a place that could give you an insight into the beginnings of human habitation, then Pictograph Cave State Park is an amazing place to start!

This state park in Montana has been designated as a National Historic Landmark because it happens to be one of the most significant archaeological sites in the state!

Lucky for you, it's now also an amazing place to visit, to learn and explore the mystery of this incredible site, and tour the visitor center for more information!

Want to know something very cool? Did you know that the oldest rock art in the cave is over 2,000 years old? How incredible is that!? You can see with your very own eyes, the images of warriors, animals, and even rifles...all of which tell a story. 

There are three main caves within Pictograph Cave State Park. These are Pictograph, Ghost and Middle. These were all home to generations of prehistoric hunters, and the caves were naturally formed buy water and wind erosion.

Around 30,000 artifacts were found in the caves. These ranges from weapons, stone tools, and paintings. Can you imagine what it would have been like to actually like in those caves all the way back in history? A pretty different life to yours now!

The park has a great 1/4 loop trail into the caves, and along the way you can look at the interpretive displays that explain and identify the natural features, and the paintings.

An incredible look back in time to how family's used to live in Montana!

Activity location


In Billings on I-90 at Lockwood exit, then 6 miles south on county road.

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How much does it cost?



$6 per car non resident / $4 on foot



Same as adult



Residents are free


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Pictograph Cave State Park FAQ’s

The park is protected, so make sure you follow any regulations so these amazing examples of history can be kept around for years to come

Take your binoculars for that wildlife spotting! Make sure you have your camera too

Save that pocket money because the gift shop is a great place to buy items relating to the caves and their history, as well as souvenirs and gifts

There is a picnic shelter than you can enjoy you own lunch at!

They are ADA accessible

Check the hours before you go. The park and visitor centre hours vary slightly from each other, and with each season

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