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Russell C Davis Planetarium

Jackson, MS

3 (3 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 201 E Pascagoula St, Jackson, MS 39201, USA How do we get there? Number: 601 960 1552
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About this activity

Experience the universe in the magnificent hemispheric theater at the Russell C Davis Planetarium, whose programs have been delighting visitors of all ages for over 25 years.

Multi media and photographic exhibits set the atmosphere nicely, and they run Laser Light Shows set to music, Sky Shows with topics varying throughout the year and large format films in the theatre too.

Activity location


Take Pearl Street exit from I-55, take left on Lamar street, one block in front of you is huge green upside down dish bowl - it is Planetarium - take elevator to 3rd floor.

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How much does it cost?



$18.50 all access



$11 all access


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Russell C Davis Planetarium FAQ’s

Family friendly.

Cash or check only no cards accepted.

Gift store available.

Plenty hands on activities for different classroom settings and many more.

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