Sea Lion Caves

Florence, OR

3 (5 reviews)

Where are we going?

Address: 91560 US-101, Florence, OR 97439, USA How do we get there? Number: 541.547.3111
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About this activity

Have you explored a sea cave before? It sounds exciting, doesn't it! If you're in Oregon, you just happen to be near the LARGEST sea cave in the USA - Sea Lion Caves

Located just 11 miles north of Florence, on the rugged Oregon coast, Sea Lion Caves is home to hundreds of sea lions - and you can go and see them!

The Stellar sea lions are frequently in the caves, but not all the time so be prepared for that. The Caves aren't a zoo - these creatures are in the wild so they come and go as they please! 

Don't worry too much, because the caves are something special in themselves! Formation began around 25 million years ago (now that is a long time!), and the height of the caves are similar to a 12 story building, and stretch out the length of a football field.

The cave system is at sea level, so the ocean is continually washing into the main cavern. It's a pretty impressive experience! It was first discovered in 1880 by a local seaman, and was eventually opened to the public in 1932. It was a pretty challenging experience though!

Now YOU get to experience these too! You have to travel down 37 steps there are back, then 400 years of uphill and downhill walking. Then, an elevator will take you down into the cave, and then an additional 63 steps. Quite an adventure!

A great experience for the kids, witnessing nature at it's most natural! No zoo restraints or enclosures - this are the sea lions acting just the way they should.


Activity location


Located 11 miles north of Florence.

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How much does it cost?






$8 (ages 5 to 12)



Seniors $13


Free Under

4 years


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Sea Lion Caves FAQ’s

The area is protected, and so are the sea lions so they make sure that the tours do not harm the animals, or encroach on them in any way

Normally during spring and summer the sea lions are on the rocks outside the cave, but fall and winter they are often in the cave itself

They have a huge store filled with educational items, and well as gifts and souvenirs for you to remember they day by!

It's always a good idea to take bottled water with you to stay hydrated

Whilst there is an elevator, you do need to climb up and down 37 steps to reach it, and an additional 63 steps to get to the lighthouse viewpoint

Parking is free!

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