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The Dickinson County Heritage Center

Abilene, KS

4 (1 reviews)

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Address: 412 S Campbell St, Abilene, KS 67410, USA How do we get there? Number: 785-263-2681
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About this activity

The USA has an amazing history, and each state has it's own stories to tell. So why not visit the Dickinson County Heritage Museum in Abilene, Kansas, and learn all about the stories that happened right under your feet!

The Dickinson County Heritage Center is filled with historic artifacts and exhibits that can show families who visit what life was like for those Kansas residents gone by. With indoor and outdoor exhibits, there is so much to explore!

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to live in the turn of the century? Just head on into the 1901 Log Cabin to find out! How different would like have been? Pretty different we imagine! Kids can venture into the 1932 grocery store where they can see goods from nearly 100 years ago on the shelves, or they can even ride an authentic 1901 carousel!

Today, after 50 years or traveling with a carnival, it's now a National Historic Landmark! Some types of family fun never change!

Kids can explore exhibits on Native American culture from the area, as well as buffalos, the pioneer life, and everything in between. There is learning to be had on the agriculture in the area, and even the telephone industry! Why the telephone? Well, did you know that the birthplace of Telephone was in Dickinson County?

See how much you are learning and you haven't even stepped foot into the museum yet! So check out the Dickinson County Heritage Center for a day of adventure and learning as you step into history! 


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How much does it cost?



$4.00- $8.00



$4.00 (Ages 2 to 14)



Senior (62+) $4.00-$7.00


Free Under

2 years


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The Dickinson County Heritage Center FAQ’s

Why not grab something in the local area before you arrive - there are plenty of options! Then you can focus on having fun and not those rumbling tummies!

Pioneer Camp is perfect for kids from 2 - 5 grades where they can participate in cooking, cleaning, and other daily activities!

They love having group tours visit, so why not get those students involved with fun activities to learn about the Kansas heritage and past!

Speak to staff about the accessibility of the exhibits and activities. They will be happy to help!

The child's admission includes the carousel ride, but for adults the carousel is an additional $2

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