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The Johnny Appleseed Educational Center and Museum

Urbana, OH

5 (1 reviews)

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Address: 579 College Way, Urbana, OH 43078, USA How do we get there? Number: 937 484 1303
Attractions in Urbana
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About this activity

Who is Johnny Appleseed you ask? Well, all those questions will be answered when you visit the Johnny Appleseed Education Center and Museum! Johnny Appleseed was an American Folk Hero born all the way back in the 18th century, and it was he who actually introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and then some!

It's here you can see the LARGEST collection of memorabilia and written information about the life of this iconic man. With the National Registry you can learn all about his relatives too!

It's a wealth of history and fun all around you!

Some of the things you might see if a cider press dating back to around 1850 which was used by John James to process apples from tress actually planted by Johnny Appleseed, as well as seedlings from the last known surviving apple tree that was planted!

Also at the museum are wood and bark from the trees, as well as a number of photos and monuments dedicated to the singer. 

Pretty cool huh?

It's history come to life at the Johnny Appleseed Education Center and Museum, and a fun introduction to kids into a key name in US history!

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How much does it cost?



Free so far as we know!



Free as far as we know!


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The Johnny Appleseed Educational Center and Museum FAQ’s

There are a couple of cafes and places to grab burgers in the area if you are hungry!

Why not have a "history" dinner when you get home with apple related dishes such as apple pie, and discuss what you learnt earlier that day!

Give them a call to chat about the accessibility, they will be happy to help!

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