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The New York City Police Museum

New York, NY

2 (3 reviews)

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Address: 100 Old Slip, New York, NY 10005, USA How do we get there? Number: 212-480-3100
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About this activity

The Museum is Currently Closed, please check back for updates.

The Police Museum gives Adults and Children an insider's look at the history and traditions of the largest police force in the country, the NYPD.

The New York City Police Museum provides innovative and interactive activities for children in our “Junior Officer’s Discovery Zone;” an exhibit designed for children between the ages of 2 and 10. Kids can also take their friend's "mug shot" in a police line-up and/or behind bars in a mock jail cell. Baseball fans will discover the origin of the New York Yankees logo. Adults and children can also find out how police got the name “Cops.” Visitors will learn about policing through the different exhibits and collections including ‘Links to the Past’, the history of policing, with police artifacts dating back more than 350 years.

Their Transportation exhibit includes motorcycles, motor scooters, a Paddy Wagon and our temporary exhibition “A Stately Presence,” is all about the Mounted Police Unit on horseback. “Policing a Changed City,” tells how the NYPD has changed since September 11th, with a focus on Counterterrorism.

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The programs for school groups are age appropriate; include hands-on activities, and meet school curriculum standards.

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