UW Geology Museum

Madison, WI

4 (5 reviews)

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Address: 1225 W Dayton St, Madison, WI 53706, USA How do we get there? Number: 608-262-2399
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About this activity

Did you know that there used to be volcanoes in Wisconsin? We didn't either until we discovered the UW Geology Museum! At this amazing museum there are a number of exhibits - some of which are hands-on for kids - that can teach the whole family ALL about the earth, and that fascinating history of the state itself!

Kids can touch actual rocks that were around when there WERE volcanoes in Wisconsin! They can even see jellyfish and corals that were once part of the ocean that covered where the museum is standing right now!

The whole family can even stand under the gigantic tusks of a mastodon, as you imagine yourself back in the Ice Age - where creatures much bigger than the ones we know today once roamed!

Can you imagine living in a time when you did have such large creatures roaming around you? It would mek going to school pretty difficult we imagine! 

There are minerals and rocks that glow  in the Black Light Display, as well as those amazing creatures known as dinosaurs! Kids can also get up close to meteorites - which includes a piece from one dating back nearly 50,000 years! Pretty amazing!

The fossil collection, which about 2/3 of the museum is dedicated to, is an incredible experience. From beetles from the La Brea tar pits, to a shark found with a turtle in it's stomach, to jellyfish - it really is an educational experience for everyone. 

Don't forget to say hi to the 33 foot long Edmontosaurus skeleton, as well as a skull from what was once a real live T-Rex! ROOOOAR!

A historic and educational family day out in Wisconsin! 

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UW Geology Museum FAQ’s

The museum continue to collect and preserve these amazing collections, and are happy to educate all who visit!

If you love the museum you can become a member and get very cool perks!

There are age appropriate guided tours for $2 per person that take about an hour long but will teach the kids invaluable lessons!

It never hurts to take a bottle of water and a healthy snack in your bag so you can keep that energy up to learn!

If you do need accessibility for a wheelchair, give them a call to check what access they have beforehand.

There is on street parking with a 2 hour limit near the museum but if you can't find a spot there is a public parking garage at Grainger Hall.

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